Spooky Men’s Chorale played CresFest 2024
The Spooky Men’s Chorale is a vast, rumbling, steam-powered and black-clad behemoth of mansound. In their performances of breath-taking harmony singing and comedy, the Spooky Men draw on a combination of musical and theatrical values including Georgian male polyphony, a running joke on man as a vast, oblivious useless object, whispers of clown, bouffon and Monty Python, and forays into massively pleasurable grunting tribalism. Their 800+ gigs have included WOMAD, The Great Escape Festival, the Woodford, Cobargo, Port Fairy, Blue Mountains and Bellingen festivals. They’ve appeared on Spicks and Specks, The Mix and The New Inventors, performed live on ABC radio many times and have earned great international acclaim including WOMAD New Zealand and more than nine UK tours.