Frequently asked questions


How do I buy tickets for CresFest?

Tickets can be purchased through the website:

Can I buy day tickets?

Day tickets are released from 1 February 2025, with Saturday being divided into day and night offerings.

Are there concession tickets available?

Yes, please refer to ticket costs on website

I’ve bought a ticket but can’t find a confirmation email

You will be mailed your tickets again roughly ten days before the event.

Is my ticket purchase refundable?

NO – except in cases of extreme and agreed hardship, we do not refund tickets. You are, however, welcome to transfer your ticket to someone else- we prefer you to let us know by emailing us their details ahead of time.

Do locals get a special price?

As well as the chance to get free passes (via volunteering and hosting) Creswick and district locals can collect a voucher giving them a hefty discount for weekend passes- available at the Creswick & District Community Bank from 1 February, 2025

What does the weekend pass give me at CresFest?

A weekend ticket gives you access to all ticketed events, but note there is no specific seat allocation, so you will be seated on a first come first served basis.

Do I need to exchange my ticket for an armband?

Yes, you will need go to the Festival Hub at the RSL HQ in Albert Street to pick up your armband. 

Can someone else pick up my armband for me?


Do I need to book a ticket for my child, who is under 12?

YES – while there is no charge for children under 12, but they must have an armband, and must be accompanied by an adult to attend a ticketed session.

Can I go to CresFest for one day and give my wristband to someone else to use?

No, sorry. Once you put the armband on it is NOT transferable BUT before the event you are welcome to give sell or otherwise transfer your ticket to someone else.

Can I turn up on one day and purchase a ticket?

You can, if tickets are available. If we sell out ahead of the event we will make our best efforts to alert people via social media advertising.

I have a companion card; how do I obtain a ticket for my companion?

When you come to the Festival Hub you can obtain a companion ticket.

Will you refund my ticket if the event is cancelled?


Conditions of Entry

Please note ticketed concerts are marked in the program and entry is by armband only. Entry to our venues is at your own risk. Please wear footwear at all times. Please refer to the website for a complete list of entry conditions.


When is CresFest held and how long does it run for?

CresFest is held on the first weekend of April. In 2025 it runs from the afternoon of Friday 4 – the early evening of Sunday 6 April.

What’s the weather like?

Changeable and unpredictable! Over the course of our first three years it’s been hot and sunny, wet and windy, and everything in between. If camping you will definitely need woolly socks and a hot water bottle. In the event of heavy rain don’t despair – we will be selling CresFest branded umbrellas and ponchos!

What is there for kids?

CresFest excels in providing fantastic entertainment for kids. They have their own special “zone” with workshops, entertainment, crafts, games and lots of fun.

How do I find accommodation?

Accommodation is at a premium. The RACV provides packages, limited number of B&Bs, camping in and around Creswick. We sell camping at the Girl Guides camp at Lingbogol on the edge of Creswick via our ticketing page.

Do I need to bring my own chair to CresFest?

No. Indoor venues have seating, which is not reserved. Bring a cushion if you think you will need one.

What public transport is available?

Buses run from Ballarat to Creswick every hour. This goes from the Ballarat Railway Station and timetables can be accessed here. There is also a limited train service to Creswick from Melbourne and back. A free shuttle bus at the festival will take you to the different venues.

Can I park near the main CresFest venues?

We recommend parking in any of the side streets in Creswick, as parking on Albert Street (Midland Highway) in the shopping/café precinct is time limited. Parking also available at the train station, Doug Lindsay Reserve and opposite the Creswick Neighbourhood Centre. We suggest you avoid the area around University of Melbourne and Hammon Park, to avoid competition with the cycling fraternity.

Is there an area for accessible parking?

Some additional accessible parking will be set aside and ticket buyers will be alerted in the ‘so you’re coming to CresFest” message approx one week prior to the event. 

Accessibility to buildings

Please note the following heritage buildings and venues are not accessible for people in wheelchairs or on walkers: Old Creswick Courthouse, American Hotel Lindsay Room, Havilah Masonic Lodge. Accessible toilets are marked on the map.

Can I bring my own food and alcohol to CresFest?

It is not permitted to bring your own alcohol to CresFest. It can be purchased along with food at food outlets, including hotels, cafes and food vans. 


As well as our festival food court, Creswick has a host of good food outlets, from pubs and cafes to fish and chips and noodles. Fine dining also available at the RACV Goldfields Resort. See our printed program for full details.

Market – will there be one

[Dec 2024] We are currently negotiating with Council and various providers and hope to have exciting information soon – watch this space. 

Photography – the CresFoto competition

In 2025 for the first time we are offering attendees the chance to win a free weekend pass for CresFest 2026 by entering our CresFoto competition. Photographers of all ages and abilities are encouraged to submit up to three entries per person. Full details of how to enter will be posted here:

Photography – general

Photography for personal use is permitted in our venues and we encourage posting on socials. No commercial or professional photography or recording is allowed without a permit.

Social Media

Share your great images on socials at or after gigs using @cresfestaus, or send to and we will post for you.

Where do I find out when artists are performing?

The CresFest program will have a comprehensive listing of all performers and venues. It is available in print form from The Festival Hub (during the event) or the Community Bank (ahead of the event), and in digital flip-book version on the website.

Can I bring dogs/animals to CresFest?

No pets are allowed in venues, apart from companion dogs, with specific permission of the venue manager.

Mobile Phones

Please turn off mobile phones during all performances. Avoid logging on to the internet during gigs as it can interfere with our sound systems. Unless permission is given, please do not record performances.


Busking is welcomed within the festival area at designated busking areas, which are marked on our map.


Seating is not reserved at the festival. The venues are small and some acts are very popular. The good news is that most acts will be performing four or five times, so if you miss out on one show you will be able to catch the performers at the next. Where necessary we reserve the right to clear venues between gigs, and, in the interest of fairness, items left on seats may be removed and taken to Lost Property.

Health and Safety at CresFest

The A300 aka Albert Street – CROSS SAFELY!!

Please remember that Albert Street is an A level highway managed by VicRoads. We have calmed the traffic as much as legally possible, but we need YOU our guests, to always use the pedestrian crossing outside the Town Hall and the traffic safe zones located at the IGA and Information Centre and outside the Pharmacy. Please do NOT dash across the main road in other places – we have too much traffic and in particular trucks going through town. PARENTS please keep hold of your children at all times when crossing Albert Street.

Is there First Aid on site?

St John Ambulance will be set up at Central Highlands Health – 69a Albert Street, Creswick. In the case of a health emergency ring 000.

Where will I find information and/or assistance?

The Festival Hub is your main point of contact. At peak times volunteers in hi-vis vests will be at the pedestrian crossing to direct you.

Where are lost children located?

Lost children should be brought to the Festival Hub. We ask that a parent or responsible adult stay with young children at all times. We also suggest writing a contact number on your child’s arm or (if they have one) their armband. 

Bag checks and prohibited items

Please do not bring anything into the venue that you know is not allowed ie recording equipment, alcohol etc – our volunteers will at times be checking bags.

Where can I refill my water bottle?

Drinking water is available at the splash park opposite the IGA supermarket and at the food court.



There are two ATMs: Creswick & District Community Bank (Bendigo Bank) located across from the rotunda; CBA at the barber’s shop, by the pedestrian lights in the main street.

Shuttle bus

At designated times and locations a free shuttle bus can take you to different venues. The timetable will be distributed in the program and and displayed at various locations including the Lingbogol camp ground, the RACV resort, the Creswick Information Centre and the IGA.

Lost property

Lost property can be handed in and collected from the Festival Hub, opening times TBA, or email after the festival.

CresFest acknowledges the traditional owners of the land on which we live, learn and work, the Dja Dja Wurrung people of the Kulin Nation.
We pay our respects to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders and recognise that sovereignty was never ceded.